What is he so afraid of?

Seems that Obama is shaking in his booties concerning ads that, once again, highlight his association with the terrorist Bill Ayers.  Out in Denver, a nonprofit group (The American Issues Project) is running these ads and instead of just running a counter ad, Obama is actually trying to put pressure on stations running these ads to stop as well as on advertisers of those stations.  He has also sent letters to the Justice Department about it. 

Whine, whine, whine.  What, is he being “Swiftboated” just like Kerry?  Give me a break.  If it ain’t true, release all the information, come out with ads, get on TV and talk about but, just like Kerry, Obama would rather not talk about it, sweep it under the rug. 

I bet all you Obama folks out there just love this guy….all he does is trash America, consort with terrorists, proposes raising taxes, puts down capitalism, picks a VP who throws racial slurs around, is considered by many to be on par with Jesus and has the arrogance of some elite Hollywood celeb.  Yep, great candidate you got there.

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7 Responses to “What is he so afraid of?”

  1. Jonathan Says:

    It could be interesting to have substantial discussions about issues, but rants like this

    …all he does is trash America, consort with terrorists, proposes raising taxes, puts down capitalism, picks a VP who throws racial slurs around, is considered by many to be on par with Jesus and has the arrogance of some elite Hollywood celeb.

    make it hard to take you seriously. You know very well that isn’t a fair/balanced summary of some of the things he does, let alone all he does. Of course, he’s not an average Joe. Neither is McCain. They are candidates for a job that requires much more than average abilities. Yes he is critical of some aspects of America (as am I, and you, and everyone else I know), but he praises it too. Both candidates propose net reductions in taxes that will add trillions to the national debt.


    About going after The American Issues Project…he’s trying to win an election and is aggressively defending himself against this attack. I think that is wise. His argument is that the nature of this group puts it under a different set of election laws. The Justice department may or may not agree, but there is nothing wrong with him making the case. Obama’s supporters are exercising their right to express disapproval to the TV stations for airing what they consider to be false, negative attacks. Conservative groups exercise their influence in this way all the time to affect the actions of companies. It’s hardly an unusual tactic.

  2. Roland Says:

    How about moveon.org and their ads? Oh, that’s right. Those are ok because they are Liberal.

    Nice cover up their Jonathan but it’s not “exercising their right to express disapproval…” It’s called whining and crying.

    …”all he does is trash America, consort with terrorists, proposes raising taxes, puts down capitalism, picks a VP who throws racial slurs around, is considered by many to be on par with Jesus and has the arrogance of some elite Hollywood celeb.”

    You know Jonathan…sometimes…the truth hurts and everything I said above is the truth about Obama.

  3. Jonathan Says:

    Kristi had some good advice.

    And what are all your govco criticisms but trashing America?

    And just because moveon does questionable things doesn’t make it right.

    And if that’s what passes for “racial slurs”, we really have come a long way.

    And did your read the link about taxes? Both candidates propose net decreases in taxes.

    I do hear a lot of whining these days about what I consider to be petty/irrelevant things, but it’s not just coming from the liberals.

  4. Roland Says:

    Biden saying we finally have a clean, well spoken Black man or his 7-11 Indian comment…are ok? I guess only if a Lib says it, huh?

    Being critical of our representatives and their failure to follow the Constitution is not the same as going to other countries and talking about how America is not what it once was, that it is not as good as it once was. Or that other countries have better this or that than we do. It’s all in the way you say it and Obama sucks at it.

    When I call Govco on the carpet for infringing on our rights is not trashing America. It’s trashing the idiot politican who is doing it.

  5. Jonathan Says:

    I’m aware of those quotes from Biden, and no I don’t find them to be offensive. I’m not in favor of ultra-PC scrutiny, regardless of who the speaker is. I think Biden’s quotes seem harmless in part because there seems to be no malice behind them.

    Your claim that it’s ok for you to both love and criticize America but not ok for Obama makes no sense to me.

  6. Roland Says:

    If you would care to look at my comments you will see how I am not ripping America but the Politicans who violate the constituion.

    Hey…I’m with you on what Bidden said however, it’s gotta be a two way street. If they are going to tear the GOP a new one because of lame things they said, the SAME must go for the Liberals.

    This conversation is starting to sound just like the ones I would have with Mark Elrod.

  7. Jonathan Says:

    What does ripping America mean then? The politicians are part of America too…and I assumed that’s what you meant by trashing America because it’s the actions of politicians like Bush and Cheney that Obama is criticizing too…not the average American or the foundations of our country.

    I don’t agree with what you said. We don’t need to rip everyone new ones. One is enough. We should cut everyone some slack and not demonize them.

    How many examples of Obama praising America would I have to show you to demonstrate that “ripping America” isn’t all that he does?

    If you prefer, I’ll stop coming around. That would be my inclination anyway if the ranting of this post is the kind of discourse you’re into.

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